Deidre Geldenhuys
Deirdre has had a decade association with Roman Dutch Law with emphasis on family and commercial law, due to the injustices she goes into detail with, in her book, Growing At Ground Zero An Introduction To Parental Alienation South African Style, she left Law and is currently into her second decade in Human Science Research where she intends to try and pioneer a section of thorough research in Parental Alienation and it’s far reaching consequences in society, to be used as scientific evidence that Parental Alienation is at dangerous pandemic proportions and can only be described as a Human Rights Violation, in a form unique to South Africa. Deirdre is the passionate face you will see and hear representing PAGASA in it’s world wide campaign to spread awareness of South African Parental Alienation. In her words “our shame of replacing Apartheid atrocities from colour separation to sexist separation using children, can no longer be hidden as our fathers, our men, have the second highest suicide rate in the world, behind Russia. Blood runs thick in family law”. Deirdre is currently in her final stages in her international Parental Alienation Specialist Accreditation, she is also an adult child of parental alienation and has fought parental alienation with her own child.